Screenshot 2022-07-16 at 4.51.02 PM.png


Feature Monkey is a user feedback collection SaaS to help companies build what users want.

Generate individual subdomains for companies to link directly to their products. Support SSO login, email notification, and multiā€language support.

We have been live for more than 2 years, and have been running profitably with more than 20 active organizations and around 4k users.


After working on Feature Monkey for a while now, we are under the impression that a tool like this is very helpful for gaming and web3 companies because in these two domains decisions on what to ship are highly affected by users' voices.

For this I am working adding features to onboard web3 organisations on the platform

Market Analysis

Zapper is using a similar product -,

Polynomial Protocol used Feature Monkey for their testnet -

Debank have built a similar platform for their use-

These examples support the need for a product like Feature Monkey, but there is no product yet which has the features required by web3 projects.

Project Plan

  1. sign in with Ethereum, to allow anonymity
  2. show the total net worth of voters for a post
    1. allow choosing tokens to track, this would unlock the capability to allow weighted voting based on the projects token (or the parameter decided)
  3. Vote on behalf
  4. Optimize post rendering, currently, the platform becomes slow when there are a lot of posts
  5. Implement Changelog. We currently have roadmap which is a place to see what the organization is planning to build/ or building at the moment. With changelog, it becomes easier for the organizations to convey new releases.
  6. Allow crypto payments for subscriptions